Activator | Conduit | Mystic | Muse

Letting The Intuitive Mind Lead The Way

Embodying Joy & Authentic Expression

Cultivating Connection With Spirit,

Cosmos & Mother Earth

Eliza believes Earth is a school for learning. A divine design where expressions of source consciousness from all over the cosmos gather in a most magnificent playground to exchange information and support one another’s evolution.

She believes we are here, embodied at this moment in human evolution to awaken to the truth of our essence. We are here to expand within the contrast of this polarised reality and remember the pure light of our spirit. The Earth School is filled with knowledge that supports us on this journey of remembering. Every interaction we have with another vibrational being is an exchange of information that helps our evolution. 

We all have access to this knowledge and the wisdom available from the rest of the cosmos. We have lived many lives, both on and off this planet and as we awaken our high hearts we restore our memories from outside the confines of time and space. 

This is Eliza’s passion, to help you remember your multi-dimensional self, move through your life lessons with grace and recall your purpose of service on Earth. 

Eliza helps you clarify your connection to your spirit allies, strengthen your intuition and awaken your psychic senses so you can gracefully navigate this reality. Her own unique essence inspires you to reawaken your playful, joyful self so you can have a great time while doing it!   

Eliza is dedicated to co-creating a world where all loving beings are supported to thrive. She offers her vessel for the transmission of expansive, illuminating information from spirit to human consciousness, alternate dimensions into this now reality & from the nature realms & animal kingdom into the human psyche.

She holds a space of safety, curiosity, encouragement & joy for her clients & students. Eliza is known for her joyous smile, enchanting voice, and authentic way of moving through the world and inspiring others.

I believe that we have an extraordinary opportunity to contribute to an epic activation of human consciousness on earth. Leading us to a most magnificent experience where all can be in peace with Mother Gaia. I believe awakening you to your divine potential, is the most graceful pathway to change the world.


What a magnificent and wild ride this is! I will always keep learning, I am dedicated to personal, and spiritual evolution and I love that I get to help others grow and, remember who they really are.


It is a wonder to me to be invited to spend my life dedicated to healing and expansion. I love bringing the mystical into everyday life and connecting it to the consciousness of Mother Gaia, making it accessible to all. 


What is Eliza’s background?

 Eliza Kendall Hather is a Spirit Medium, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technician and Spiritual Development Teacher. She began her work in the Healing Arts over 20 years ago specialising in Palliative and Geriatric care as a Division II Nurse. Eliza loved the opportunity to be of service and care for elderly people who were in the death transition stage of their lives. This experience allowed her to fine-tune her connection to the human condition and slowly strengthen the psychic senses that had presented in her early teens.

She learnt how to use her vessel as an intermediary between the spirit and human realms. How to care for the psychical and emotional bodies of the human experience and how to practice patience and compassion for all humans. After 10 years of this steady growth, she was propelled out of the mainstream medical model and into the fields of Psychotherapy and Paranormal Psychology.

In 2006 she gained a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Certification in Neuro-Linguisitic Programming under the tutelage and mentorship of Rhondda Elizabeth Stewart and Matthew Favaloro from the Australian College of Hypnotherapy. 

Eliza became fascinated by the various human minds, and the intricacies of the mental and emotional landscapes. She began to see the potential and wisdom stored within the subconscious mind and for the next 10 years, she worked as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Healer in both Australia and the U.S.A.

During that time her personal journey of spiritual, and emotional development continued as she visited sacred sites across the globe, meeting with healers and elders and taking time to better understand herself, de-program all layers from the old paradigm programming, heal her ancestral lines and awaken her heart-mind.

In 2010 she had another awakening facilitated by a Full Trance Medium in Brazil. She experienced the bliss of her Pranic Tube completely clearing out, a purification of epic proportions (often called a Kundalini Awakening) and when she returned from that trip, she could no longer deny the immense possibilities this life offered her. 

This prompted her to advance her professional skills and expand her consciousness, a choice that changed the trajectory of her life. 

In 2011 she studied the Usui Reiki system and Dr. Gordon Emerson’s Resource Therapy and in 2012 she had her next big  awakening……

In 2012 I became acuity aware that I was not leading from a place of pure love but rather mind love. I noticed that everything I did was to please others or according to what the outside world wanted from me. I could clearly see not only the disingenuousness of this but also the limitations of it. I vowed to dive deeper into my inner world to discover the truth of my essence. The journey since then has been nothing short of extraordinary.


She continued to open her psychic senses and follow her intuition, leading her to complete certifications from Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering and Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique in 2014. 

Coming across the QHHT method opened up a whole new pathway for Eliza to be of service. It is with this technique she was able to fully awaken the truth of her higher self and her life purpose.

Over the next 5 years, she developed and worked as the principal teacher at the How to Be Your Own Guru Practical Magick School in Melbourne, Australia. Teaching the personal and spiritual development illuminations Eliza had received understanding during her life of discovery and practice.   

During this time she continued learning and collaborating with Shamanic and Tantric practitioners like Deva Daricha, Leyolah Antara and Peter Bowden. She also received continuous schooling from her Sirius Spirit Mentors to get her to the place she is right now, at this time of the great awakening of human consciousness.

Eliza has offered and continues to offer evolutionary workshops, and co-created Sound Healing Journeys and Ceremonies at Rainbow Serpent Festival, Seven Sisters Festival, Confest, Yemaya, Earth Frequency and Elements Festivals and most recently Tribe Vibe and Esoteric Festival.

In 2018 Eliza began her migration to Bundjalung Country; the Northern Rivers N.S.W. area where she now resides. She closed her school and was asked by her mentors to offer herself as a Spirit Medium to support the current state of humanity. She had just gained her Level II certification in the QHHT method, renewing her dedication to assisting those who are ready to deep dive into their awakening, level up and expand their consciousness. 

In 2020 Eliza began a different kind of training that continues to this day. She was invited to lead a team of psychics across the globe in weekly lessons under the intelligence of this planet, the consciousness of Mother Gaia. These lessons are providing a catalyst for amazing quantum upgrades, purifications and grid repairs to take place across the globe. Eliza and her team are absolutely loving this experience as their skills are being utilised in the best way possible, for the highest benefit of all life. She now considers Gaia to be the most intelligent teacher she has had the pleasure of learning and collaborating with!

I’m so grateful for all the teachers, professional, personal and spiritual, I have had along the way. I’m grateful for the original creators of the Earth School and all the myriad of life forms that inhabit this reality. I honour those who have come before that advocated pure love and right relations with all life.

I give thanks to my ancestors for the opportunity to learn and evolve through those lines and I sit in continuous reverence for Mother Gaia and her constant holding and generous welcome. I have received and discovered so much in this life so far and, the journey continues. I will remain a student and a teacher.


Eliza is passionate about working with humans who:


♥ Are passionate about contributing to the world

♥ Take responsibility for their own evolution

♥ Are committed to co-creating a wonderful world

♥ Believe they have higher guidance systems they can access

♥ Understand they can live the life of their dreams

♥ Believe we are multi-dimensional beings

♥ Honour the Mother Earth and her life force expressions

♥ Want to life authentically

♥ Live with kindness and reverence for life

♥ Support community connections


Eliza helps us to re-focus on the light and the voice of our guides.  Hers is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail. She is the compass and then the compass is ours. 

My reading with Eliza was potent, playful, insightful and full of care and love. Her capacity for tuning in is remarkable and she relays information received clearly with an honesty that is both serious and fun.

Eliza is a calming and loving person and puts you at ease when sharing some of your weirdest, darkest and most beautiful times in life.

Eliza and her beautiful voice are extremely calming, powerful and focused on the intent at hand.

Who Is Eliza?
What does your logo mean? 

Eliza’s logo is a glyph, a sigil or a collection of symbols that resonate with her journey in this life. It is a Light Code that has been created specifically for her work of service. It has been skillfully infused with the magick of Eliza’s unique essence and life purpose.

Many people see this Light Code and book a session with Eliza straight away! That is how Light Code magick works! It goes beyond the conceptual mind, straight to the heart and calls to those who can benefit the most from her unique offerings.

The symbols included are the Egyptian Ankh representing Eliza’s life purpose as a key for evolution. There are various Sirius symbols here as that are honouring her Star Nation upline, the beings who asked her to incarnate at this time in human evolution. They mean connect, receive, centre, balance, expand, realise, act and transform. We also have the alchemical symbols of the five elements, earth, water, fire and air. These acknowledge her commitment to working in harmony with Mother Gaia, in the right relations with all life.

My Lightcode has been created for me by the magickal Pippa @Elestial Arts. Check her work out via the link on my Community Connection page.

Is everyone Psychic? 

When I was a child I knew that I was in a body to learn and when I had learned and my body was used up, I would get a new body and keep learning.

I knew there was life off this planet and that when I grew I was supposed to do something important to help people.

At age 8 I experienced my first awakening. In a fevered state, I saw myself as one with the cosmos. I witnessed myself expand beyond my physical form and rise up into space with a silver cord of light connecting me to my body. Over the next few years, I began to feel and sense things outside of the 3D world. Many things in this life seemed to me to be not what I was told they were.    

It wasn’t until age 15 I realised spirits wanted my attention. During a teenager’s seance (not in any way recommended!) several spirits were contacted and they all spelled out my name. It was a distressing experience but it was clear they wanted to speak to me. I negotiated a deal where they could come to me in my own time when I was ready but only if I was protected at all times from any spirits that wanted to harm me.

For the last 30 years, I have been fine-tuning this skill and expanding my psychic capacities to where I am now. I have travelled the world to sacred power sites, visited amazing awakened healers and delved into extensive personal and spiritual development studies.

So my answer to this question is yes, we all have psychic capacities. I liken it to singing. Some people are born with a natural talent and others practice and train. Those of us that are born with this gift as a predominant one, and choose to fine-tune it, become pioneers of human evolution because one day, we will all be using the many psychic senses available to us. For now, maybe you just need to believe in yourself, get some training and practice, practice, practice!


"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."