Spirit Reports
This collection of reports was created at the request of Eliza’s Spirit Guides, spanning from early 2020 to late 2021. During this time, Eliza was called to open herself as a translator to bring forth evolutionary insights from spirits devoted to supporting humanity’s growth on Earth.
Some of the wisdom shared here comes through direct communication—translated, downloaded, or channelled by Eliza at the moment. Other insights emerged as recurring patterns and themes observed in her private sessions and personal experiences.
The benevolent spirits who come forward are welcomed with the sole intention of aiding the expansion of human consciousness and manifesting the highest timeline for all life on Earth. These beings speak from diverse realms: the Earthly kingdoms of elementals, animals, plants, and trees, as well as from higher dimensional realms—ascended masters, extraterrestrial families, celestial beings, and more.
This collection of free videos offers guidance that remains deeply relevant as we navigate the complexities of today’s world, striving not just to survive but to thrive. If you’ve found yourself here, trust that there is a message waiting for you. Take a few deep breaths, drop into your heart space, and let your intuition guide you to the video that calls to you.
Happy journeying!
This Spirit Report was filmed in response to a client asking me what the guides had to say to help us manage the energy of the covid vaccination as it moves through our communities. We have all by now heard the reports (or experienced it first hand) of women all over the world who HAVE NOT been vaccinated violently menstruating out of cycle or long after menopause & having miscarriages, after being near someone who has been vaccinated. As usual, the guides offered us a broadened perspective of this issue. As well as few tips as to how to clear the energy once it is within your field.
Balancing Yin/Yang Energies
This Spirit Report is about how to use the dualistic energies we carry within us. We seek to know how, when, & in what way to express these energies when relating to others, taking into consideration boundaries, compassion, authentic expression & empathy. As well as transmutation & appropriate management of penetrating energies. We receive a powerful transmission here as a collection of beings speaking for the energy of YIN share. Then the other side, the YANG energy shares their take on the yin & how we can meet one another as we birth the New Earth together.
anxiety & depression in young adults
For this Spirit Report, I invited Gaya to come in & ask the guides any questions she felt could provide helpful answers to her generation & the ones following. Gaya is 21 this year. This report is for our young people.
The young ones who struggle to know who they are in these times of great change, the ones who know they are called to help but have no idea how to do it, the young ones who are stuck, frozen, scared, or confused about all they have seen so far. Unsure of what they can do or how to do it in a world that looks so strange.
Dog Wisdom
I have invited my beloved animal companion to speak with us! Fuuuunnnn!! I work with the wisdom animals hold daily, in my personal life, as a navigation tool, and inspiration for right relations with all life. They are a constant source of knowledge and grace. They are here to teach us as we protect and care for them, this is especially potent with our pets as we share our home and daily life with them. I have so much to share about this topic! The animal kingdom is truly amazing in its embodied wisdom, but for now, let me share this video where I pass on what this wonderful dog has to say about how to live happily.
New Earth Technology
This speaks to finding inspiration in the dark times & how to begin working with New Earth technologies. This one is fast-paced! A huge download from some of our higher-dimensional allies on offer here. This report is heavily coded with frequencies in full support of the reverent evolution of human consciousness on planet earth.
Pop it on, close your eyes & breathe deeply as you absorb the information. Perhaps leave the mind to digest it all, later on, this one wants to go straight to the subconscious. So, relax, if you have felt to press play, trust your higher mind deems it appropriate for you to receive, & just breathe.
Intimacy & Sexuality
For this Spirit Report, we have a very special guest interviewer, Lauren Renee. An ex-journalist who is now a leader in the field of intimacy, sacred sexuality, & relating in the New Earth! The perfect person to delve into the topic of this session. Here we cover many delicious & interesting concepts and ideas. We ask the spirits about intimacy, relationships, sexual expression, healing between the sexes, & how to cultivate connection as we co-create the New Earth now. This is an hour of heart-activating, consciousness-expanding downloads from our higher-dimension allies! This one will leave you feeling squishy yum yum in all the right places!
Letting Go Under a New Moon
In this episode, we continue with the new phase of offerings for the Spirit Reports. My intention was to bring those who offer guidance into more focus with specific themes each week & specific questions asked. Here we ask for specific information about harnessing the New Moon in Aquarius & how to ride the waves of change every present these days. We receive awesome guidance here, a Star Language healing to help us let go of the past, and a meditation offered under the new moon energies. Breathe to receive this one, it’s potent!
Wealth & the Economy
In this Spirit Report, we were asked about cryptocurrency off the back of last week’s download. So I invited David Still to be this week’s interviewer. Watch it to find out why. This is a share from the higher dimensional guides about wealth in the New Earth, cryptocurrency & abundance. Well worth the watch if you have any issues keeping, working with, managing, understanding or receiving money. Or if you are worried about, or interested in an impending collapse of the economy.
Old Paradigm Collapse
This week I come to the spirits holding some questions in my mind that have been on the minds of many & I am grateful for what has been shared here. We have some information about how to navigate & prepare for the changes & chaos of the next 6/9 months. I ask about systems collapsing, how that will impact us, as well as a possible blackout or internet shut down. The spirits mention the big four banks, the part economic collapse, & how to ensure you have closed the chapter of the last paradigm to move into the new cleanly.
A Gift From Eliza & the Spirit Guides
Sign up here to receive an email when new freebies, downloads and videos land, specials are offered or Eliza has some awesome insights or events to share. You can expect no more than one or two a month and of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Also, let us know in the message
which gift you would like to receive:
1) A spirit-guided Practice to help you Connect
and Communicate with Spirit Allies
2) Access to the Initiate Intuitive Intelligence
3-day mini-course
Growing with Grace
A few tips from spirit here but this is mostly a share from me as I put the pieces of my 2020/Solstice/New Earth Birth experiences together. I am committed to growing in my capacity to gracefully hold steady through the changes yet to come, to meet & engage with all life from my ever-expanding Heart. Continually aligning every part to the higher dimensional frequencies supporting the birth of the New Earth. Every day in every way I am getting better & better at letting go of all illusionary fears & allowing myself to be led by love.
Gaia’s Christmas Message
It’s the end of the year. It’s time to slow down, let the nervous system unwind, & hold ourselves in joy! Love others with joy as you love yourself & love Gaia with joy. In this very special Spirit Report, Gaia herself speaks to us. I am beyond honoured by this experience. While she was within me, I felt the truth of her AS me, as her message came through me. It was sweeter, more loving, & more humbling than ANY Being I have felt move through me. I can’t say much more than that.
Heart & Gaia Healing
For this week’s the guides speak of the heart. They share about the unshakable power & might it has. We also speak more about this year’s Solstice preparations & opportunities.
I also share with you a snippet of a most beautiful Quantum Healing Hypnosis session I facilitated this week &, at the end we receive a sound clearing to activate our earth connection so we may know & trust our place with Mother Earth
Resilience During Change
This week we speak about the earth, the possibility of future natural disasters, & how to best care for her now. We speak of ways to build resilience, access guidance, & ensure you remain strong & adaptable during these times of change. We have some wisdom shared from some soul family guides, assisting us with our evolution & in support of the highest good of all life on earth.
Evolution & Language
This week we are graced with several different galactic spirits visiting to speak with us about these times on earth; they are always supporting us.
These are soul family guides, assisting us with our evolution & in support of the highest good of all life on earth. They have come this week to offer us some insights, guidance and light language transmissions.
Self Love & Care
For this Spirit Report, we have gentle messages of love & selfishness. It’s so important that we are nurturing & nourishing all parts of ourselves. Tending the inner landscape means getting to understand all facets of the psyche. All shades of you seek to be known by you. Bought forth into your conscious awareness. This is truly a wonderful way to contribute to the creation of a better world, to take full responsibility for your own gracefully, loving awakening.
Hope for the Future
In this episode, we offer you some hope for the future from our beloved spirit allies.
Also are some suggestions for your personal evolution as we move through the end of another year. Really great insights from the higher dimensional guides.
Standing at a Crossroads
In this Spirit Report, we discuss the point of choice available to us before every thought & action. We share how mindfulness at a crossroads leads to all possibilities Check it out, really good stuff here from me & one of our most frequnetly visiting groups of spirit allies.
System Collapse & Tech Implants
This week I share some information coming from a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session today when a client asked about the collapse of the economic system, mandatory vaccinations, & technological implants. Pertinent as always with great insight & advice straight for the higher dimensional guides.
Chaos & the Newly Awakened
In this Spirit Report we begin with a sunrise over the ocean. Some stillness & pause as we contemplate how to move forward through the chaos. We share a few messages that have come to light from our spirit guides & galactic allies. We discuss how to be ready for the changes yet to come & how to approach those who are now awakening. At the end with receive a vibrational light language message from some of our inner earth friends who are keen to share more with us about how to align with Gaia’s intelligence.
Energetic Changes of 2020-2023
In this week’s Spirit Report we talk about how to manage the 2020 awakening & what we can do to be ready for the changes that will continue for the next few years to come.
I also share with you some information received through a QHHT session where we asked the Super Conscious about the great awakening.
For the Healers
For this Spirit Report we receive pertinent messages to consider as we begin taking action to create the New Earth. We are asked to pause, to notice the small actions that we can take that elicit personal contentment. This report also contains a very important message for all Light Workers, Shadow Eaters, & anyone working in service to the facilitation of healing for others. Please watch this through until the end if you work in the field of healing.
Making Room for the New
This week we receive support & clarity around how to navigate these turbulent times & how we can best stay on task as we clear the weeds of the underground & make room for the New Earth to grow. Stay strong & exercise compassion with yourself & others, cry when you need to & most importantly, let your intuition (heart mind) lead & guide you. Cultivate ultimate trust in your own higher intelligence!! Know we are surrounded by spirit friends & cosmic helpers.
Storm of Disclosure
This week’s report we get clarity on a question from one of our viewers in regards to when full disclosure will manifest on earth if the timelines for our transformation have settled & how to navigate these challenging times. We are offered helpful tips & focal points on how to weather the storms still to come. We receive some healing energy & illumination from Australian Indigenous spirits & Star Beings acting collectively. The transmission is finished with some light language.
Embodying the New Earth
This transmission is for those of you on the path to a conscious, integrated, embodied New Earth life. For you, who is committed to your own personal growth & to the mission to anchor in the ordered crystalline light from above & harmonise it with the divine chaos intelligence of Gaia. We share some wisdom from our spirit friends about what to focus your energies on right now & how to continue lifting the vibration as we navigate this 2020 epoch.
Appropriate Use of Energy
This week’s report is offering you a consideration, a perspective; a Remembering. Information & observations that are helpful for sensitives & light workers. Spirit friends share a light language transmission to activate the inner earth gates within the psychical condition, from root to throat.
Grounding Your Energy
This week we have a different set-up to honour these particularly transformative times Recorded a few days before the solstice in the middle of eclipse season, in 2020. This week’s report called for me to drop in today with sister Janey so she could ask a couple of questions about how to navigate these times & bring in the new world we all have called for.
Peace & Freedom Within
For this week’s Spirit Report we speak about Intuitive Intelligence & the importance of it. How to trust your intuition, letting it lead you to freedom. How to find peace within & contribute in the best way you can. How to discern the right way to go & where to place your attention & energy.
Intuitive Intelligence
Here we speak about Intuitive Intelligence and how to increase it. The guides and I share our tips for building your intuition & learning to trust its’ knowing. Your Intuition is one of your greatest tools at your disposal for evolution on Earth. It can be trusted to discern what is true & what is beneficial for your growth & awakening.
Australian Indigenous Spirit Share
These reports simply offer us focal points of growth for our attention. The guides are always so loving & willing to offer us insight & illumination. This week we have a visit from an Australian indigenous elder who passes on some simple advice to connect to the earth, calm the self & stabilise the new energies coming down.
Energy Healing for Safety & Belonging
Watch this video to get an energetic upload you can use to activate your own capacities to BE your best self. To BE with the earth. To BE our divinity & choose the way of grace, in the flow. We speak about feeling safe within your body & on the earth, in your environment. Helping you to feel held within our choice to BE here now, on your soul’s mission.
A Gift From Eliza & the Spirit Guides
Sign up here to receive an email when new freebies, downloads and videos land, specials are offered or Eliza has some awesome insights or events to share. You can expect no more than one or two a month and of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Also, let us know in the message
which gift you would like to receive:
1) A spirit-guided Practice to help you Connect
and Communicate with Spirit Allies
2) Access to the Initiate Intuitive Intelligence
3-day mini-course
Anger & Kundalini Fire
Beautiful ones this video speaks to anger, the inner fire used for healing, kundalini rising, mastery of your own energy, & calling out the ancestral wisdom stored in you. Illuminated by the light of the Scorpio super moon we have messages from spirit helpers shared with much love. This one is a treat to receive. Drop-in with me to upload the fullvredth of this beauty. Stay past the cresdita for this week’s bloopers as I’ve been asked to not take my spirituality too seriously!
Emotions & Patterns
The Great New Earth Transmutation is upon us! Check out the snake eating a bat in the opening credits! This week we speak about how to deal with tricky emotions as they come up. Why our old behaviours & thought forms are resurfacing right now and how our spirit friends are supporting us. There is a channelled message at the end from some of our higher dimensional helpers & some light language activation to close the transmission.
Who Are You Now?
This Spirit Report speaks about the importance of having an adaptive identity as we move through the great transmutation. Using deep inner listening to reshape your identity. To decide who you want to be in the new world. What parts of yourself do you want to let go of & what parts do you want to energise. We are inviting you to surrender what you think you are (especially in relation to society) & make heart-based, conscious choices about who you want to be as we co-create a new earth. Skip ahead to 6 mins for the channelling.
Instinct Vs Fear
This video speaks to the difference between the survival mechanism INSTINCT & the virus of FEAR. We share illumination around the nervous system & the power we have to control the switch from fight/flight to rest/repair. There is a channelling here for some of you from some loving & supportive spirit friends. Higher dimensional guides are contracted to assist us with the dawning of a better world for all.
Mastering Your Energy
This week’s video brings into focus one of the themes of conscious evolution within the collective right now. May this share give you beneficial insight as you continue to courageously see through your heart and mind, trusting intuitive knowing, and serving the highest good of all. This video speaks to the art of mastering your energy, the importance of discernment in this time & the power of your intuition.
Sharing your gifts, caring for the planet
For this Spirit Report, we share illumination about our young adults & their place in the world. Tips about how to publicly share information without fear of persecution. Channelling of support about how to meet the Earth’s changes, and how to care for the planet. How to be led by your intuition, inner knowing, and soul guidance.

"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."