Spirit Medium

The spirits call Eliza a KEY as she is an interdimensional and interspecies translator. In these Spirit Medium sessions, Eliza opens the door for you to receive communication with your spirit guides and allies.

Eliza works with many different consciousnesses. From the higher dimensional allies through the kingdoms of the earth. She speaks with animals, elementals, nature spirits, mineral and rock kingdom consciousnesses, plant and tree kingdom allies, Mother Earth herself and of course, your crossed-over loved ones, pets and ancestors.  

These sessions are not like other Psychic Medium readings. No cards or divination tools are used. Eliza will use her heart to open a meeting room with the properties of a quantum field. This creates a safe container for optimal change and healing. She will then welcome in any spirit or consciousness with positive intentions and appropriate information for your current state of evolution to speak with her.  

This allows you to ask the guides and teachers any question you like or for any healing you want! The most appropriate ones come to work with you and Eliza passes on the information they share or facilitates the healing you desire. 

Eliza does not heal you, you and your guides do that within the safe container Eliza holds and under her encouragement and direction, which has been communicated according to your personal intentions. 

These sessions also offer ancestral healing, entity and attachment removal, cord cutting and coherence restoration with your psyche and subconscious mind. 

This may be a permanent spirit guide, a crossed-over loved one, an ancient ancestor, a nature spirit, an E.T. tribe guide, an angel, an animal, or another! Many beings from many realms come to assist in these sessions. They show Eliza what is the most helpful information to support you in the best way possible and they monitor you throughout the session and update what they share and how they share it, according to the speed at which you uptake the wisdom! So cool! 

They share what they agree (after consultation with your higher self) is the most helpful information for your graceful evolution.  Often they take turns answering the questions you have. Whoever is most appropriate comes to share with you.

In Eliza’s quantum container, there is also a door to a really cool purification room. We have been offered entry to this ‘room’, held by some wonderful higher dimensional friends, for any displaced spirits in the astral plane who wish to complete the dissolution of the karmic debt contained in their bloodlines. They are welcomed through the door and on the other side, they are able to meet with their guides and transcend. This is a powerful and efficient way we can achieve DNA and bloodline healing.

Also, important to note, without much fuss, if there are any external contracts, implants, curses, attachments, or others interfering with your evolution, the guides will alert Eliza to this and she will shuffle them out of your field and off the planet and then restore any imbalances they caused.   

For these sessions, Eliza is currently available in person in Northern N.S.W., the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast of Australia.  She also travels to Sydney and Melbourne twice a year, see CONTACT page for tour dates.

OR remotely for an online session via the Zoom app.

A recording of the session will be emailed to you the same day after the closing of the session. The protocol here is to listen back to the recording at least a couple of times during the next week.

Twenty minutes: $44 (AUD)
Forty-five minutes: $88 (AUD)
Ninety minutes: $155 (AUD)

Forty-five minutes: $99 (AUD)
Ninety minutes: $166 (AUD)

* AFTERPAY and Concession available on some sessions and products.

I have never come across anyone who has read for me so beautifully and precisely as Eliza. The personal sessions are full of so much knowledge and assistance from my guides and ancestors. I have gained much clarity, healing and help with my own personal growth and direction in each session. I always come away feeling so much love and gratitude for Eliza’s remarkable talent and work with each session/ booking.

– Melissa Heart

Eliza’s Spirit Medium healing sessions have helped me immensely. I have been having sessions for almost 2 years.

After each session, I have peaceful clarity and reassurance about what action steps to take. I feel re-aligned+ and empowered. Eliza clears the path for me so I can make my own decision, rather than tell me what’s next.

Also healing parts of my body with the assistance of guides + spirit – from energy blocks in my ovaries to severe shoulder – heart muscle pain after the passing of my mum.

Eliza holds great space. Her ability to connect immediately with spirit/source + channel guidance + wisdom is a rare gift -she’s also very playful.

I am grateful to have access to Eliza’s healing gifts, which help me to have a higher spirit-based perspective of my life, I feel reassured, knowing I have support on this level when I need it the most.

– Elli, Paris 2020-2022


What Spirits will come to speak with me?

The most appropriate one to answer your question or give you the healing you have asked for. It will be your own personal Spirit Guides, not Eliza’s. Everyone has an epic team of Spirit Guides just waiting to help you! It may be one of your higher dimensional E.T. family or one of your ancestors like your grandparent. An animal spirit may come to impart wisdom or it might be an ascended master from Earth that you resonate with. 

Will the guides predict my future?

Not really. Future timelines change and there are many variables at play. They can share with you pathways that are most likely to play out at the time you have your session but you have your will and the guides are always curious as to what you will choose.

Will they tell me something bad is going to happen?

No, the guides love you! They are in full support of you, they are not mean and have no interest in scaring you. They will share with you ways to help your pathway be more graceful. They may give a little head up about something that could cause challenges but clients leave the session feeling empowered and re-affirmed in their own intuitive knowing.

Can any bad spirits come in?

No, Eliza has a clear container set up to work in that only allows those who hold positive intentions and appropriate information for your current state of evolution to speak with her. If there are any attachments siphoning life force energy that are unhealthy, they will only see Eliza when she allows them to as she is removing them from your being. 

These sessions blow me away every time! The Spirit Allies and your higher self are always available to assist and support but it is all ultimately up to us. The information that comes through these sessions is always so on point for the client. Much of the time it makes no sense to me but does to the client. The playful way the guides speak is a delight! They make suggestions and provide healing in the quantum field. It is an honour to facilitate this communication and transmission for you! I love speaking with the guides and allies, it is constantly inspiring and wonderfully effective to support your graceful evolution.

-Eliza Kendall

A Gift From Eliza & the Spirit Guides

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Also, let us know in the message which gift you would like to receive:

1) A spirit-guided Practice to help you Connect and Communicate with Spirit Allies
2) Access to the Initiate Intuitive Intelligence
3-day mini-course

Gift Form


"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."