Retreats & Events

Eliza loves to travel the world in co-creation. Gathering with a team of awakened and integrated human hearts and minds to facilitate transformation is one of her most cherished ways to be of service.
Many hearts make lighter work!

Eliza is available to support you in your next transformational retreat or event in several ways.

She is a highly skilled ceremonialist who works in alignment with Mother Gaia, her higher dimensional spirit guides, plant, tree and mineral kingdom allies, the elemental consciousness and of course, the local spirit custodians of the land. Eliza can craft a ceremony specific to your intentions for creating the retreat. She loves bringing simplicity, Earth and Cosmos magic and joy into her ceremonies.

Combining this with Eliza’s Space Weaver work is ideal.

The role of the Space Weaver is crucial to maintaining the integrity, safety, and effectiveness of your spiritual gathering. Eliza not only conducts space weaving but also engages in psychic gatekeeping, which involves purifying spaces, repairing grids, and addressing any open portals, fractures, or distortions in the layers. This ensures that none of the participants encounter lower vibrational beings or inadvertently introduce False Light into the event. Eliza harmonizes with the natural energies of Mother Earth’s realms and respectfully invokes the spirit elders of the land. She can remain present throughout the event to maintain a secure container for transformation from start to finish, and afterwards, she will purify the space and properly close the container.

Eliza brings her Inter-dimensional and Inter-species translation skills to your event offering 1:1 Spirit Medium Sessions and Quantum Healings to support the holistic healing of your participants and provide them with valuable life-purpose information to take home after the retreat is over.

Eliza can craft a Clinical Hypnosis Journey to support emotional healing and behavioural change in your participants. This can also be co-created with Sound Healers and/or Breath Workers for an even more potent transformational or Shamanic Journey.

Prices for these offerings are negotiable depending on location, services and duration. 

Eliza is available for retreats held in Northern N.S.W, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coasts or the Blue Mountains area.

She also visits Melbourne and Sydney twice a year.
Check out her Contact page for updated tour dates.  

Endless gratitude and reverence for this incredible woman and her teachings! After completing her journey, my whole experience of life transformed! My perception of colour vibrations, my experience of food, my understanding of myself, (thoughts, feelings, words and actions), my relationships and life as a whole, have been opened to an entirely new, expanded and divine way of BEing.

this work is about learning to be your own healer, accessing your own inner knowing and harnessing your own power! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and healing with such joy and fun!

– Amy Freidman

A Gift From Eliza & the Spirit Guides

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Also, let us know in the message
which gift you would like to receive:

1) A spirit-guided Practice to help you Connect
and Communicate with Spirit Allies
2) Access to the Initiate Intuitive Intelligence
3-day mini-course

Gift Form


"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."