Register now for the 2024 Lion’s Gate Activation!

Lion’s Gate Activation

 Eliza Kendall’s Annual SPIRITUAL ACTIVATION under the guidance of the Sirius Star Tribe and Mother Earth. 

This course happens each year during the months of July and August.
Every year is different.
Every year is downloaded during the Lion’s Gate portal of that year.
The activations that come through this journey
blow the students away year after year.
Potently activating and profoundly expanding
yet deeply grounded and centred in the high heart. 

Check out what past students have experienced 

I got a sense of community with like-minded souls, I got a sense of peace and vision.  Eliza always meets and exceeds my expectations.  She is a natural teacher. Eliza was able to call together my guides to put their minds together on how to remove some of the clouds and cobwebs that have been stifling my aura.

Eliza helps us to re-focus on the light and the voice of our guides.  Hers is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail. I will return for every Lion’s Gate workshop.

Best investment of time and focus of the year! 

– Amanda Turett U.S.A
Lion’s Gate 2021 & 2022

All of It was amazing! So beautifully arranged and presented – very easy to participate as everything was provided digitally and stepped out how to participate and complete. I particularly loved the guided meditations and the channelled session where we got to ask specific questions.

This course definitely met my expectations and I think it is such great value for everything that is involved and provided!

I was able to drop into deep conscious awareness levels which I have sometimes struggled with using my normal transcendental meditation methods.

Eliza, you are so genuine and compassionate in your design and delivery, and I love that you are straight up! you give real examples and you’re not afraid to speak your truth. Honesty is so important in this community.

I will be booking myself in again next year.
– Julia 2022

The Lionsgate course this year was one-word “WOW”.

The course was pieced together in the most beautiful way. Each Day the content was always on time so you could wake each morning and start your day off with the day’s learning/ recording. Some of the pieces were real works of art like a master’s painting.

I had the most profound personal spiritual growth from this week. The depths of knowledge and imagery that appeared and were presented to me in the recordings were so special and unique to me, it has changed me forever.

Eliza is so connected and clear in delivery and I learn so fast from her. Learning from Eliza and her teachings and ways seems very fluid. I love how there are many opportunities to ask questions. I also felt very safe and held during this time while exploring and learning each day.

I am forever grateful for this opportunity and gift that Eliza has created for us, with this amazing course.  I highly recommend this course to others as no matter where you are at with your personal spiritual journey you will gain skill knowledge and understanding in the course of yourself.

Melissa Gogic

Lion's Gate adventurer 2022

How Does it work?

This course is special amongst Eliza’s other offerings as it is downloaded each year throughout and leading up to the Lion’s Gate Portal to align with the current consciousness.

Each year the transmissions are unique and this also means you get real-time access to Eliza’s channelling and inter-dimensional transmissions.

A team gathers from the plant, tree, mineral and animal kingdoms. Gaia meets the Sirius allies halfway and a container of potential is opened. Eliza sets the tone alongside her personal spirit allies, using her expertise in holding a safe space for transformational work and her illuminated heart.


The Sirius Star Tribe begin illuminating your gifts, the moment you decide to book your place.
sign up now, enter the quantum field and your magickal activation begins.


  Register your interest for the 2024 activation 

Register for Lion's Gate 2024

This time of year is my absolute favourite in support of our spiritual evolution. The Sirius Star Nation is my direct upline for this mission on Earth and during the Lion’s Star Gate, the Sirius star is the closest to Planet Earth so the energies that this particular star tribe offers are amplified and more available for all of us to access! 😄💫
I experience amazing evolution every year during the lion’s gate so it is also my most cherished time of year to bring through illumination for your activation! Yay! Win Win!
These immersions are so fun as well!
They bring the tribe together in such a beautiful way, it’s my great honour to offer this to you again in 2023, register now to secure your place. I’m so excited to see what unravels for us this year!

Eliza Kendall

Host & Translator for your journey, Co-Creator of the Lions Gate Activation

Direct access to my Starseed home, like never before! 🙂 another beautiful piece of the puzzle of remembering my essence. I have clarity, inspiration, and empowerment of my life purpose.

Deep cellular healing, and recognizing that each time I step into my empowerment, healing is happening!

Clearing blocks of self-doubt, more fully embodying my soul gifts with each and every interaction/communication. feeling more empowered to get out of my own way and not allow self-doubt to stop me from taking the next steps on my path.

I’m feeling so much clearer. My body was tingling. Like I was being supercharged. Especially up around my neck to the base of my skull. I felt the colours around me seem more vivid.Birds everywhere watching & talking. I was emanating what was coming in and people walking by were responding.

This course has come just at the right time thanks 🙂 

– Vicky
Lion’s Gate adventurer 2021 & 2022

Is this course for you?

This course is for you if you want to:

💛  activate your gifts

💛  build your psychic capacities

💛  understand your life purpose

💛 grow your spiritual knowledge

💛 build your self trust

💛  amplify your inner knowing/intuition

💛 awaken your heart’s intelligence

💛  connect with your Star Nation spirit guides

No specific level of spiritual illumination is required to join this course. If you feel drawn to this immersion, your guides and higher self are pointing you to participate. They can see it is an appropriate pathway for you, as you are right now.

You are ready! Follow your intuition, it knows all.


∆ The next Activation begins August 2024 

"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."