Interspecies & Interdimensional Communication

A beginner’s guide to cultivating the art of inter-species and inter-dimensional communication. 

This an easy-to-understand short course to help you build your capacity to speak with a variety of consciousnesses, be they spiritual or embodied. Receive clear communication from animals, trees and plants, elementals and spirit allies. Learn to begin safety, under the instruction of a seasoned professional, Spirit Medium Eliza Kendall.

With the understanding and skills offered in this course, you can continue to grow your psychic skills over time, as you go through your days and nights.

You have the power to communicate, it is hardwired into your being.

Use this collection of information, practices and demonstrations to unlock your extrasensory capacities.

You are in charge of your own awakening.

 This course offers you steps to set yourself up to engage and connect safely. 

Interspecies & Interdimensional Communication

My favourite learning was the knowledge to connect with animals and having this newfound skill. Which I always had but now I remember once more. I had such a connection once more. Your whale transmission piece was like a work of art. I loved it so much and appreciated it.

– Melissa Gogic

 I loved watching and listening to your communication session with all the animals 😊

– Vicky  

The Magick You Will Love from this Course

🦋 Understanding of the difference between fear, instinct, gut feeling, intuition, a psychic and a medium. 

🌸 Guided meditation with Eliza and her guides to fortify and protect your Torus Field.

🐋 Wisdom translated from the minds and hearts of whales, dolphins and lions.

🌳 A beautiful, graceful and creative Purification Practice to cleanse and align all chakras.

🐾  Techniques to begin a conversation with animal friends.

💦 Recorded live audio demonstration of Eliza speaking with ocean creatures and the consciousness of water.  

How Does it work?

It’s so easy, you will love it! There are six lessons for you to work through. The first one drops you straight into the Golden Egg of Gaia audio mediation where Mother Gaia shares one of her technologies to create a protective sheath around your field for the safe activation of your extra-sensory capacities. 

The second lesson Eliza teaches you her personal purification practice. This is a short video giving you a Quantum clearing technique created by Eliza to purify and fortify her field.

The third lesson gives your mind what it needs to understand about the what and how of using the psychic senses to communicate.

The fourth shares with you practices for you to begin a conversation with plant life, animals and trees as well as your own spirit guides and allies. 

The fifth lesson serves up two demonstrations of interspecies and inter-dimensional communications in action.   

The sixth lesson is a quiz for you to show yourself that you are a natural at this!

You can move through the lessons as fast or as slow as you like and access to the content remains available to you within your member’s page on this site, for life. 


Interspecies and interdimensional communication is so much fun! I am endlessly fascinated with other life forms we share this existence with. The creatures in the animal kingdom hold so much wisdom and are often old souls from higher dimensions who come to share this journey with us!

Trees, plants, minerals and elements teach me so much when I speakwoithb them! My goodness, it is exquisite to live on a planet that contains so much knowledge. Everything we need to evolve and awaken gracefully exists within the natural world. 

My greatest insights have come from the realms of Mother Gaia and every day I am chatting with the life around me, it certainly makes the adventure much more fun and interesting!

Eliza Kendall

Host & Translator for your journey, Creator of the Interspecies Communication Course


"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."