Guest Podcasts

I’ve been blessed to be invited to guest in a few podcasts hosted by some stellar humans whose work, perspectives and expertise I have great respect for!
Yeow! I’m all for telling stories and sharing wisdom.

I feel strongly, now more than ever, that if we are to sustain a graceful evolution for humankind, it’s important to get together with the soul tribe and share the wisdom and knowledge we have received.

We are but students of this space, curious discoverers
on an Earth adventure, meeting in this space
to connect and reciprocate.

Check out the collection so far and please connect with me if you would like me to be a guest on your podcast.

Guest Podcasts

Octavia is a Cosmic Activator and Planet Medicine Guide with a decade of experience in astrology.  

In this episode, I’m joined by Spirit Medium and Visionary Eliza Kendall as we explore the frequencies of Joy & Innocence. Eliza offers innumerable avenues to enter these realms. She includes actionable ways to apply them to our own personal development in our relationship to both ourselves and those around us in the process.

Eliza’s describes how she began her journey in palliative care and spent time with one foot in the spirit world and one foot in the human world. From there she developed the skills and qualities that allowed her to transcend both worlds and essentially act as a bridge between the two.

This opened the door to connect her with her own psychic gifts and has led her to re/discover these states on her own spiritual path where they’ve revealed themselves as the highest vibrational frequencies she can emit.

In this episode we cover:

– How Joy is a trick/shortcut into the Higher states.
– How Identities can disconnect us from Joy, and how to reunify.
– Experimenting with different looks, observing how people respond and ultimately learning how to bypass the conscious mind through connection.
– Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique – QHHT developed by Delores Cannon, and her extensive psychic research.
– Tips on exploring these realms in your daily life and how to utilize your own curiosity to lead you there.
– Plus So much more.

This conversation was as delightful as it was fascinating for me!

Guest Podcasts
The Visionary Vortex podcast is a transformational, entertaining and educational news source for the New Earth. With her sharp former broadcast journalist interviewing skills, intuitive space holding and ability to build intimacy for authentic communication, Lauren captures channelled wisdom, personal reflections and enlightening conversations with visionary leaders and humans embodying a life of freedom, full expression, creativity and connection. This is your guide to shifting from survival to thriving, out of broken systems and into revolutionary ways of being.

In this episode with Spirit Medium Eliza Kendall, we explore…

– Making an impact through joy.
– Evolution through simplicity.
– What are starseeds and lightworkers, why do they exist on Earth and how to know if you are one?
– The aliens we are waiting for.
– Understanding your unique gift to the world.
– Finding your purpose through a connection to the Earth.

+ A live channelled interview with spirit on relationships, intimacy and healing between masculine/feminine.

Sign up for when the next episode drops

Eliza is open to sharing the wisdom, tips and tools she has received over her 25 years of Spirit Medium, Quantum Healing, Spiritual Development and Clinical Hypnotherapy work.

She loves co-creating with those who are dedicated to the expansion of human consciousness and the way of grace. Those who are taking action to make changes for peace on earth. Those who appreciate cultivating a connection to Spirit, Source, Mother Gaia and Star Tribes.

Eliza loves to talk about many things both on and off this magnificent plane. So please, get in touch if you wish to collaborate.

Contact Form


"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."