Sound Journeys

More and more we are becoming aware of the immensely effective therapeutic benefits of sound. Even science is on board.
It was sound after all, that created the universe.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Eliza has been using the resonance of her voice to facilitate healing for over 16 years. The magic of her voice not only calls to your higher heart and sub-conscious mind to respond positively, but it also alters your brain wave patterns to induce you into a state of optimal healing.
She holds you safe in love allowing you to waft away on a magical carpet of discovery while enticing your subconscious mind to make the changes you wish to make.

Eliza is a modern-day incantation witch. A galactic gypsy visitor with access to the living library of Earth and Cosmos.
Watch out, time spent under her spell leaves you inspired to be well.

In this collection, you will find Clinical Hypnotherapy tracks to help you awaken your high heart, align all major chakra centres and relieve anxiety.

You will also find Eliza Kendall’s Hypnotheric Soundscape collaborations with Kylie Bayens. These are a set of beautifully recorded Sound Healings using Tibetan and Crystal bowls, Medicine Drums, Bells, Chimes and Gongs to usher you across time and space. Transcendent tracks here to help you enjoy sleep, return to emotional harmony and let go of the past.

So pick your journey, buy the download, get comfy indoors or out, put your headphones on, and let your senses turn their attention to the healing benefits of these audio delights.

Clinical Hypnotherapy Journeys

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High Heart Activation

This is a deliciously gentle, restorative, & nourishing 1-hour journey to activate the high heart chakra, deepen serenity within all parts of self, & expand the graceful integration of New Earth codes. 

This journey encourages you to either lie down or sit in nature or move your body as you listen & absorb this medicine & stimulate your psychic senses.

Sound Journeys
Earth-Soul Activation

Dive deep into your personal healing & activation with this one-and-a-half-hour Clinical Hypnotherapy, Light Language, Quantum & Sound Healing journey.

This one has got it all from below to above, through all layers of life on Earth. Downloaded from Mother Gaia & our higher dimensional allies, this may be your graceful initiation.

Eliza helps us to re-focus on the light and the voice of our guides.  Hers is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
– Amanda Truett

I found that with hypnotherapy journeys, I was able to drop into deep conscious awareness levels which I have sometimes struggled with using my normal transcendental meditation methods.
– Julia

Hypnotherpic Sounscapes

Hypnotheric Soundscapes are psychically downloaded Clinical Hypnosis & Sound Healing activations using a combination of the Gong, Crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, sacred percussion & drums, incantations, Quantum tech visualisations, Light Language and Spirit Mediumship.

This collection of potent audio offerings harnesses the ancient healing powers of sound and shamanic trance meditations.
These beauties have been made to help you rise, roar and shine.

Eliza and Kylie are dedicated to the loving evolution of humanity. They believe we can all be empowered to thrive and share our magic with the world. They support a loving world where all live in peace. They bring their gifts together with the clear intention to not only support you but also one another, they amplify one another’s unique radiance. 

They have been working together professionally for years around the Greater Melbourne area. You may remember them from Rainbow Serpent & Seven Sisters Festivals where they shared their healing journeys with hundreds of festival-goers for several years running, or from classes at the How To Be Your Own Guru Practical Magick School in Clifton Hill. 

Stay tuned for future live gigs in Melbourne in November 2023.

In the meantime, dive into the samples of these tracks to choose the one that best aligns with you.    

Freedom from past
Freedom From Past

Introduce your mind to the highest aspects of yourself as you let go of your past experiences.

This immersion uses a unique combination of the Gong, Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls, Sacred Drums, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Pineal Gland Stimulations, Light Language & Spirit Mediumship.

*album art by Jac of All Shades

Emotional harmony
Emotional Harmony

Hey, it’s O.K if you are feeling all them feels! Just follow along with us in this guided meditation as we journey together from chaos to peace, from stress and worry to emotional harmony.

This 23-minute track is designed to help you relax deeply, settle into the calm place within & find your own delicious state of sustainable internal peace.  

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Chakra Activation

This is a 1-hour, 7 major chakra activation designed to purify your energy centres.

A psychically downloaded, interactive immersion using a combination of Crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, sacred percussion, activated words, quantum tech visualisations & Spirit Mediumship.

* album art by Stephanie Rose Freeman

surrender to sleep album cover
Surrender to Sleep

Let go of the day, exhale all tension and drift off with Eliza’s calming voice into a deeply nourishing and restorative sleep.

This has been crafted to help you get there and stay there. Just pop it on your headphones or speaker and let the sound and hypnotic suggestions do the work of sending you to sleep.

Kylie and Eliza are such beautiful souls! Absolutely love their sound meditations. There is only one word to describe the experience: MAGICAL! Can’t wait for the next journey.

-Sana Raeuks

Email Eliza

Are you a Sound Healer or Audio Artist looking to collaborate?
Eliza is excited to hear from you!
Many hearts make lighter work.


Email Eliza now and share with her your motivation for working with the medicine of sound and what instruments or techniques you use to make your Audio art.

Contact Form


"Eliza's is the voice that reminds us of the song in our hearts when our memories fail.
She is the compass and then the compass is ours."